6-Week Course with 25 Core Competencies Credits and 9 Resource Development Credits for the International Coaching Federation
**Note: Course and post-test must be completed and certificate received by June 30, 2025**

Our brains are wired to take in the bad, and ignore the good.

As a Coach, you've probably noticed that it's easier for your clients (and you!) to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated.

That’s because of the brain's negativity bias — we've evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences, and slowly from good ones. This leaves us feeling more stressed, anxious, lonely, irritated, and inadequate than we need to be.

But we can change this.

Join Dr. Rick Hanson for a 6-week journey in Positive Neuroplasticity to learn how to override the brain's negative tendencies and tap the hidden power of everyday experiences. You'll start building new neural structures right away that promote joy, confidence, motivation, and inner peace.

In a peer-reviewed study on these methods, people reported statistically significant increases in happiness, resilience, and compassion, and decreases in anxiety and depression.

A 6-Part Online Course teaching the power of Positive Brain Change

In this self-paced course, you will learn how to help your clients:

Meet their needs to feel safer, more satisfied, and more connected - and less stressed, hurt, and resentful

Use the H.E.A.L. process for turning everyday experiences into lasting inner strengths, hardwired into their brains

Identify their specific challenges and pain points and grow the strengths they need to overcome and heal them

This Training Includes:

  • 13+ Hours of Video Teachings

    Pre-recorded presentations you can watch at any time, including audio downloads, transcripts, and closed captions

  • Experiential Activities

    Deep, guided practices you can do anytime on your own or with a partner, to grow the strengths you need most

  • Handbook and Slides

    The Positive Neuroplasticity Handbook (PDF), and downloadable slides to follow along and take notes

  • Certificate of Participation

    A downloadable PDF certificate with your name

  • An Engaged Community

    Access to a private Facebook group, and built-in discussion forums

  • 34 Continuing Coach Education Credits for ICF

    25 Core Competencies Credits and 9 Resource Development Credits for the International Coaching Federation
    (Through June 30, 2025)

Course Outline

This is a pre-recorded, on-demand training that you have lifetime access to, so you can engage it whenever works best for you.

  • WEEK 1

    The Essense of Positive Neuroplasticity
    • Use your mind to change your brain
    • Use mindfulness to let be, let go, and let in
    • Overcome the brain's negativity bias
    • Use HEAL to turn experiences into inner resources

  • WEEK 2

    Having, Enriching, and Absorbing Beneficial Experiences
    • Create beneficial, useful experiences
    • Intensify positive thoughts and feelings
    • Have a strong sense of being on your own side
    • See and believe in the good inside yourself

  • WEEK 3

    Linking Positive and Negative Material
    •Recognize and honor your deep needs
    •Grow the inner resources you need most
    •Stay in the “Green Zone”
    •Use positive experiences to heal wounds and empty places inside

  • WEEK 4

    Growing Strengths for Feeling Safer
    •Get the benefits of self-compassion
    •Manage threats with calm strength
    •Be less anxious
    •Rest in a sense of peace, contentment, and love

  • WEEK 5

    Growing Strengths for Feeling More Satisfied
    •Feel authentically successful at more things
    •Stay motivated
    •Pursue big goals without stress
    •Feel more thankfulness and joy

  • WEEK 6

    Growing Strengths for Feeling More Connected
    •Increase a genuine sense of self-worth
    •Release envy and resentment
    •Heal deep levels of old pain
    •Combine compassion and assertiveness

What Others Are Saying:

This was a truly life-altering, life-affirming training. I feel peaceful, content, loved, and excited to bring HEAL into my everyday life. There is so much more available to offer others.

Susan A.

These teachings have touched so many of the dark places inside me. I can now see things much more clearly and without judgment, and can release them.”

Linda N.

“This training supports me in managing my life, my chronic pain, and all the ups and downs of the whole shi-bang.”

Holly E.

“Dr. Hanson is an amazing presenter. The mix of academic information and experiential practices was just right.

Kristen P.

I found the training to be among the best I have ever received. I went through – and continue to do so – significant change, overcoming that which has held me back for years.

Petrina L.

“The experience, all the terrific material, so beautifully presented, has given me such a tremendous boost in peace, contentment, and love! Looking forward to making it a vital part of my life in all areas.”

Ron R.

“Your courses have been life-changing for me. I can now more easily assess situations and be confident while being authentic.”

Laurie B.


Start Growing Inner Strengths And
Get 34 ICF CCE Credits

**Note: Course and post-test must be completed and certificate received by June 30, 2025**


Positive Neuroplasticity Training AND ICF CCE Credits

Lifetime Access to the Full 6-Week Course AND 34 ICF Credits

$ 848 USD

  • OR
    Buy this bundle with 3 monthly payments of $283

Just The ICF CCE Credits

For those who have already
purchased the PNT course, the
ICF CCE Credits can be
purchased separately.

$ 349 USD

  • Note: The post-test must be complete
    and the certificate received by June 30, 2025.

Lifetime Access and 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Learning Objectives for the Positive Neuroplasticity Training for ICF Coaches

  1. Describe how an individual’s course through life is a function of the combination of challenges, vulnerabilities, and resources.
  2. Describe the two-stage process of learning.
  3. Describe the primary function of the amygdala and give an evolutionary explanation for why this function is negatively biased.
  4. Describe three functions of the hippocampus regarding memory formation, the amygdala, and the hypothalamus.
  5. Describe two effects of cortisol on the brain.
  6. Explain the difference between simply observing one’s experiences and deliberately trying to influence them.
  7. Teach clients to distinguish between noticing an experience they are already having and deliberately creating an experience.
  8. Teach clients three ways to create beneficial experiences for themselves.
  9. Teach clients five ways to enrich the subjective sense of an experience.
  10. Teach clients how to be aware of emotionally negative and emotionally positive psychological material at the same time.
  11. Describe three levels of intensity in the experience of emotionally negative material.
  12. Describe two ways in which the “negativity bias” can operate.
  13. Describe human motivations in terms of avoiding harms, approaching rewards, and attaching to others.
  14. Give three examples, respectively, of how a person could experience stress while engaged in avoiding harms, approaching rewards, and attaching to others.
  15. Give three examples, respectively, of how a person could engage in avoiding harms, approaching rewards, and attaching to others while not experiencing stress.
  16. Teach clients one way to experience a greater sense of safety.
  17. Teach clients one way to experience a greater sense of satisfaction.
  18. Teach clients one way to experience a greater sense of connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When do I need to be available for this course?

    This is a self-paced course with pre-recorded videos and meditations that you can watch at any time.

  • Is this program for everyone?

    The Positive Neuroplasticity Training is an educational program for the general public, with special benefits for coaches, counselors, educators, healthcare professionals, and human resources trainers. The Positive Neuroplasticity Training is NOT psychotherapy, nor treatment for any physical or mental health condition. Participants take responsibility for their own experience in the program. The Positive Neuroplasticity Training could be a useful resource for normal range experiences of anxiety, blue mood, stress, loneliness, and interpersonal conflicts, including for people in psychotherapy for these concerns. If you are engaging in psychotherapy while engaging this program, please tell your therapist. Last, if you have serious psychological issues or a history of suicidality, complex trauma, psychosis, or other severe mental health issues, you should consider not participating in the Positive Neuroplasticity Training as it could stir things up for you without there being the option of individual support - and we strongly advise that you seek professional treatment.

  • How long is each class?

    There are a total of 6 classes in this program. Each class is about 3 hours long, including didactic presentations and guided practices

  • Can you tell me more about the Professional Course?

    The Professional Course teaches you practical applications for using Positive Neuroplasticity with others. It is perfect for therapists, healthcare providers, educators, business consultants, trainers, coaches, and mindfulness, and yoga teachers – as well as parents. You will learn how to: - explain the science - teach the methods - use practical tools to change habits and build motivation - help people with stress, loss, relationship issues, and trauma The Professional Course is a video course that you can download or stream at your leisure. It will be made available to you once the 6-week Positive Neuroplasticity Training is complete, and you will have access to the videos indefinitely.

  • Can I get Continuing Education Credits?

    If you are a coach, this course is eligible for 25 Core Competencies Credits and 9 Resource Development Credits for the International Coaches Federation. (Course must be completed and certificate received by June 30, 2025). If you are a mental health professional, the PNT is eligible for 10 CE Credits for the APA. Click here to learn more.

  • Is there a deadline for receiving the ICF Credits?

    Our current ICF accreditation for this program is good through June 30, 2025. This means that all participants wishing to receive the ICF Credits must complete the course and post-test, and receive their certificate by June 30, 2025. (Note: We do plan to renew our accreditation, but it is not guaranteed we will receive the renewal.)

  • When does the 30-day money-back guarantee end?

    The 30-day Money-Back Guarantee ends 30 days after you register for the course.

  • How does the PNT differ from Rick's Foundations of Well-Being program?

    The Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT) is a deep immersion in the material in the Learning pillar of the Foundations of Well-Being (FWB) program – i.e., the HEAL methods of positive neuroplasticity, turning ordinary experiences into extraordinary inner strengths, and using these methods to build up inner resources for any issues related to our three core needs of safety, satisfaction, and connection – and then the Foundations of Well-Being program applies these methods to growing the specific strengths in the other 11 pillars of well-being. Putting it a little differently, the Positive Neuroplasticity Training is an 18 hour immersion in a single subject – positive neuroplasticity – that is covered in 4 hours in the Foundations program, while the Foundations of Well-Being program altogether is about 50 hours of core material plus lots of other goodies compared to 18 hours of the Positive Neuroplasticity Training.

  • Do I need to take the Positive Neuroplasticity Training before taking the Professional Course in Positive Neuroplasticity?

    The Positive Neuroplasticity Training (PNT) and the Professional Course in Positive Neuroplasticity (PC) are distinct programs, and many people take both of them. The PNT is the foundation of the PC and the prerequisite for it. If you enroll in the PC, we presume that you have already taken the PNT and are familiar with its ideas and methods. Since the PNT is conveniently available online, a person should usually be able to do it online or in-person before taking the PC. Occasionally someone may have an opportunity to take the PC in-person but not have time to take the PNT beforehand. In this case we will waive the PNT prerequisite requirement IF the person already has a deep understanding of positive neuroplasticity through completing the Foundations of Well-Being, reading Hardwiring Happiness carefully, or similar background. If you have any questions about this, please contact us.