Being Well, Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor homestudy continuing education for psychologists. Being Well, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The Strong Heart Relationship Series awards 7 homestudy credits to participating professionals.

You must complete the full series to be eligible for the credits. No partial credit will be offered for partial workshop completion.


Only Dr. Hanson’s didactic presentations and exercises are eligible or required for CE credit. While CE participants are welcome to engage the supplemental materials (e.g. meditations and suggested readings), this is optional.

Dr. Hanson’s presentations and exercises in the Strong Heart Relationship Series will consist of 7 hours.


The Strong Heart Relationship Series is presented by Dr. Rick Hanson, who has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA and over 25 years of licensed clinical practice, as well as many years of teaching in doctoral-level environments, including a talk at the 2016 APA general meeting. To learn more view his bio here, or download his full CV here.


The Strong Heart Relationship Series generally costs $299. (There may be discounts at various times.)

Being Well, Inc. charges an additional $50 for administering the Continuing Education hours.


Live and Ongoing.  This series is a self-paced, on-demand program that can be started and completed at any time. Once you have paid in full, you have lifetime access to the program materials.


The Strong Heart Relationship Series is offered with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the program, or unable to participate in it, please contact us and we will process a full refund.


The Strong Heart Relationship Series is suitable for anyone interested in building inner strengths to improve important relationships. It is also suitable for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Mental Health Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses (mental health), Marriage and Family Therapists, and other Mental Health Professionals.



First, you'll need to purchase the online series, and also pay the $50 administrative fee. Once you complete the series, you will need to provide photo identification, complete the Being Well, Inc. CE Feedback form, and take the Post-Test. 

A passing score on the post-test is 80% (or more) correct answers. You need a passing score to receive Continuing Education hours. If you do not receive a passing score, you will be able to retake the test.

After you receive a passing score on the post-test, and your photo ID is verified, you will receive the certificate via email.


  1. Name three benefits of self-compassion.
  2. Describe three ways in which a person could feel cared about.
  3. Name one way that autonomy promotes intimacy and one way that intimacy promotes autonomy.
  4. Teach patients two ways to experience a sense of boundaries between themselves and others.
  5. Describe the three major patterns of attachment.
  6. Describe the three distinct neural substrates of empathy for the thoughts, emotions, and actions of others.
  7. Name two elements of the brain’s threat-defense system.
  8. Describe three characteristics of effective interpersonal communication (i.e., “wise speech”).
  9. Name two psychological techniques for increasing the sense of calm strength while in an interpersonal conflict.
  10. Distinguish between threat- and thrive-oriented interpersonal responses.
  11. Describe three key elements of nonviolent communication.

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for the Strong Heart Relationship Series.